We want to be a church that does things differently.  


In May, 2016, a group of friends began meeting together to dream. What would it look like if, above all else, a church was focused on growing together as followers of Jesus and caring for the community around it? What would it look like if we were driven more by our relationship with God and one another than by the need to adhere to a laundry list of rules and regulations? Can we take church from being complicated to simple?

From all of the meetings, praying and dreaming, this group came to one, big realization. We need to get back to the way Jesus intended church to be. It’s not new. It’s the way Jesus did it.

In the fall of 2016, we followed God’s calling and stepped out in faith in order to make Lightpoint Church a possibility. Today, our growing community is diligently pouring time and energy into what God has put before us. We are excited about what God is doing in and through us as He molds us into the church He is calling Lightpoint to be.

Our story continues to be a journey of faith, and we invite you to join us. We know that when we take steps of faith, God will meet us and guide us. We will pursue Him pertaining to all matters…in our personal relationships, our worship and our service.

In November of 2022, we were blessed with a new church home! Years of praying, and walking in obedience led us to 10208 Cozaddale-Murdoch Road in Goshen. We pray that this home is a light to the community for His goodness.

May we bring Him glory with every step of faith that we take.